General Liability – CGL
A standard insurance policy issued to business organizations to protect them against liability claims for bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) arising out of premises, operations, products, and completed operations; and advertising and personal injury (PI) liability. The CGL policy was introduced in 1986 and replaced the “comprehensive” general liability policy.

Products Liability
Protection against financial loss arising out of the legal liability incurred by an insured because of injury or damage resulting from the use of a covered product or out of the liability incurred by a contractor after a job is completed (completed operations cover).
Contractual Liability
Insurance that covers liability of the insured assumed in a contract. Under the standard commercial general liability (CGL) policy, such coverage is limited to liability assumed in any of a number of specifically defined insured contracts or to liability that the insured would have even in the absence of the contract.