A commercial auto policy that includes auto liability and auto physical damage coverages; other coverages are available by endorsement. Except for auto-related businesses and motor carrier or trucking firms, the business auto policy (BAP) addresses the needs of most commercial entities as respects auto insurance.
- Contractors
- Wholesalers
- Movers
- Retailers
- General Business

Garage Liability
Insurance covering the legal liability of franchised and non-franchised automobile, truck, truck-tractor, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, and trailer dealers for claims of bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) arising out of business operations. It includes two separate insuring agreements, “who is an insured” provisions, and “limit of insurance” provisions—one dealing with garage operations involving the ownership, maintenance, or use of autos and the other dealing with all other garage operations.
Motor Carrier – Truckers
A commercial auto policy introduced by Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), in 1993 to address the needs of the motor carrier (i.e., trucking) industry. Coverages available include auto liability, trailer interchange, and auto physical damage; other coverages are available by endorsement. The policy was developed as an alternative to the truckers policy because of the changes taking place in the industry. That is, the truckers policy is applicable only for “for-hire” motor carriers, whereas the motor carrier policy is appropriate for all types of motor carriers—for-hire, private, or a combination of both types of operations